Seeking Justice For Victims Of Sexual Abuse And Civil Rights Violations

My name is Konrad Kircher, and, as an attorney, I have dedicated more than two decades of my career to helping victims of sexual assault in the state of Ohio. I have helped hundreds of survivors recover and move on from the abuse that they suffered.

Konrad Kircher

I Serve Victims Throughout Ohio In Sensitive Abuse And Civil Rights Cases

I Help Survivors Of Abuse Hold Their Assailants Accountable

No matter how it occurs, sexual abuse, in any form, is a terrible act that leaves the survivor with severe trauma that can affect them for the rest of their lives. This is even more true for child victims of sexual abuse. At Kircher Law, I am committed to seeking justice for these survivors.

I have been serving clients for more than 30 years, and, since 2002, I have focused my career on helping sexual abuse survivors obtain compensation from their abusers.

Several of my cases have gone before The Supreme Court of Ohio. Although money will not erase what the abuser has done, it will help you to move on and get additional support for your recovery.

What I Do

Sexual Assault Victims

Child Sexual Abuse Victims

Civil Rights Violations

Victims’ Rights

Konrad Kircher

I Am Not Afraid To Go Up Against Abusers In Authority Positions

In many situations, abuse takes place in a relationship where the abuser is in a position of authority over the victim. It can happen in cases involving an employer or a co-worker; a person working for a public office, such as a police officer; or an individual in a religious position, such as a clergyman. In these cases, survivors can feel intimidated into silence and might struggle to fight back legally. This is where I can help by being their advocate and taking the lead for them.

As a former infantry officer in the United States Marine Corps, I am not intimidated by these abusers.

I served alongside many great men who went on to serve as law enforcement, so I can weed out the good apples from the bad.

Allow Me To Help You

Your Legal Advocate

My Success History